ICoSS: Integration of Complex Social Systems


Eve Mitleton-Kelly, LSE;
Prof. Ian Angell, LSE
Prof. Frank Land, LSE


Shell Internet Works
Rolls-Royce Marine
Brightstar (BT incubator)
JBA Consulting

EPSRC Funding: £519,130


The aim is to try to understand how best to guide organisational integration, and particularly reintegration arising from significant structural change. The hope is to bring to bear thinking on complexity and complex non-linear dynamic systems in an industrial and commercial environment so as to inform and influence business strategy. The ‘complexity community’ has modelled and analysed many natural and artificial complex systems leading to a much greater appreciation in recent years of the ‘modalities ‘ of complex systems. The question is whether that appreciation can indeed be ‘operationalised’.

The project will use a combined approach based on action research involving ‘natural experiments’ and conventional practice studies such as case studies, interviews and opinion surveys for evaluation. Natural experiments are new ways of working and relating which have emerged from the existing organisation, and are different from the dominant culture. We will work with Rolls-Royce Marine business with Vickers to facilitate the integration of business and national cultures (e.g. UK and Scandinavia), IT systems, supplier chains and technical knowledge; with BT’s Brightstar incubator of new ventures and with Shell’s incubator for creating new businesses e-Shell, to facilitate the creation of new sustainable enterprises.

It will be a collaborative approach with initially three and subsequently six industrial partners. The research team, which includes a business project manager, will work closely with the collaborators who will take an active role in the research process. Collaborators should expect benefits to accrue in a continuous stream throughout the life of the project, not just at the end. The project will provide practitioners with a new conceptual framework, while testing and refining the theory in practice. A multi-disciplinary group of World Expert Advisors from academia and business will contribute different perspectives, knowledge and expertise.

Contact: Eve Mitleton-Kelly, LSE
email: E.Mitleton-Kelly@lse.ac.uk
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